Your credit report is crucial for your monetary health and any discrepancies will cause a drastic change to your financial future. One of the most common errors on a credit report is that of having unknown or bogus accounts, including the entry bearing the name "GFS Incorporated." If you see this name on your credit report it's not yours, it can be an error, or worse, a situation of identity theft.
This article shows you how you can take actionable steps to remove GFS Incorporated from your credit report, thus gaining control over your credit health. CreditSage, a trusted credit repair company, will be able to provide some guidance for you to do so with ease.
What Is GFS Incorporated?
Understanding what GFS Incorporated Is
GFS Incorporated could show up on your credit report for a variety of reasons. Mostly, it is to do with a lending, collection, or financial services company. But the specific company may not always be clear as to what they do, thus it is essential to track down and obtain the source entry.
Why the GFS Incorporated?
If you have never heard of them and it appears on your report, your first determination is whether the company is authorized or if it appeared due to an error. There are a few reasons why GFS Incorporated could appear on your credit report. This may be due to a debt that stands owing to having had previous accounts with GFS or any other associated companies. If you don't recognize the debt, it might be an error.
Identity theft
Too many times, organizations appear on your report that was filed by someone else who allegedly used your identity. Whatever the case might be, you need to act as fast as you can to stop things from getting worse for you.
Information Mix-Up
Sometimes, accounts may be incorrectly reported by a creditor or a credit bureau. A mix-up of personal information, especially on names or addresses, could lead to the unwanted entry. Understanding why GFS Incorporated shows up on your credit report allows you to decide the next step to remove it.
How to Investigate the Entry
Review Your Credit Report
The first thing when it comes to handling an unaccounted entry, usually erroneous, on your credit report would be to sift through the information itself. Make sure you check each section for the presence of GFS Incorporated. Each of the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—would provide you a free copy of your credit report annually, and allow analysis of others as well as Once you have your report, look at the following:
- Account Details: Is GFS Incorporated indicated as a debt, or a collection item? Is there any payment history associated with it? It will help you ascertain whether this account is yours or indeed an error.
- Relevant Dates: Take notice of the date linked to the account. A recent account unfamiliar to you may raise a flag for fraud or identity theft.
- Contact Information: Please check if any contact information for GFS Incorporated is present. Typically, this is the name used in combination with a telephone number or physical address. This can help in disputing the entry.
Contact GFS Incorporated
Before getting into the dispute process, it is highly recommended to contact GFS Incorporated directly and inquire about the debt. Use the contact information provided on your credit report to reach out to them. The specific information that a representative should provide you during your inquiry would include:
- Original Creditor
- Date the debt was incurred
- Amount owed
- Any supporting documentation
If it turns out that you do not owe the debt, you will request that their credit reporting agency delete it; sometimes, if they see the account is erroneously reported, they may clean it up themselves.
Review Your Credit Report With CreditSage
If you remain in which way to proceed next, working with a trustworthy credit repair company such as CreditSage can help you. Their team of experts will review your credit report against these types of errors, including the entries of GFS Incorporated, and assist in contacting the concerned parties to resolve the dispute. With experts on your side, the whole disputation process would be handled with correctness and efficiency.
How To Dispute GFS Incorporated On Your Credit Report to The Credit Bureaus
If GFS Incorporated still remains an item on your credit file and you think the error is either wrong or fraudulent, the next thing on your plan is to dispute the same with the credit bureaus. The three big bureaus give you an option to dispute inaccuracies online.
Here's how you can go about it:
- Dispute The Entry Online: Go to the dispute section on any of the websites of a credit bureau (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion). You would require to create an account to go ahead with your dispute. Once in, you will be able to go to the account in question and mark it for review.
- Provide Documentation: When filing a dispute, it is a good practice to produce documented proof that this account does not belong to you; that could include, but may not be limited to, police reports if it's identity theft or a letter from GFS Incorporated stating that the account is not valid.
- Wait for Resolution: Once the credit bureau receives your dispute, it will usually investigate the dispute/yours claim within 30 days. Any party involved will conduct their investigation at this time, and GFS Incorporated will be contacted to confirm the validity of the account. If it cannot be confirmed, the credit entry will be deleted from your report.
Dispute Process Through CreditSage
CreditSage offers a complete package of the dispute process to relieve you of the burden. CreditSage will handle the entire dispute process—from the actual filing of the complaint to the process of checking the status of the dispute. Their expertise ensures that the work of resolving disputes goes on as smoothly and effectively as possible, saving you time and effort.
Dealing with GFS Incorporated When It Is a Case of Identity Theft
How to Spot Identity Theft
There are a number of warning signs that suggest identity theft may be to blame if you suspect that GFS Incorporated was included on your credit report due to identity theft. These include:
- Strange Accounts: Accounts that you've never opened or any other unfamiliar items appearing under your name.
- Stagnation in Your Credit Scores: There may be a likelihood of fraud if your credit score drops very suddenly and without any logical explanation.
- Collection Notices from Creditors: If you are credit-collection called on debts you do not recognize, most likely, your identity has been stolen.
What to Do When Facing Identity Theft
- Placing a Fraud Alert: The first thing that you must do is put a fraud alert on your credit file. This tells all interested credit givers that before they give you credit, they need to confirm your identity some more.
- Should File a Police Report: If you think your identity was stolen, a police report is a very necessary document to have. It will serve as an official record of theft and thus assist you when disputing the fraudulent entries.
- Contact GFS Incorporated: Tell GFS Incorporated that you are an identity theft victim and demand that they delete any fraudulent accounts under your name.
- Monitor Your Credit Report: Make sure that you keep checking your credit report from time to time to ensure that no new fraudulent accounts have appeared. This will also help you track the progress of your disputes.
Protecting Yourself From Future Fraud
CreditSage recommends setting up credit monitoring to help with early detection of fraudulent activity. Regular checks and working with trusted services can provide you with some reassurance and comfort towards maintaining a clean credit report.
How CreditSage Can Assist in Deleting GFS Incorporated From Your Credit Report
Benefits of Employing CreditSage
CreditSage is an expert in credit repair and will take you through every single step. Whether you have wrong entries for GFS Incorporated or it's simply a case of identity theft, CreditSage can help. Here are some of the advantages of partnering with CreditSage:
Credit knowledge
The staff at CreditSage have been in this business for many years and know, by sheer experience, how to pursue different types of problems, from errors to fraudulent activities performed by companies such as GFS Incorporated.
Time Saving
Since the whole credit repair process takes time, especially when you have to do a lot of communication with different credit bureaus and companies, CreditSage takes this whole task away from you in order to give you time and reduce stress levels. CreditSage continues to maintain a strong range of varied services, spanning from fighting misinformation, dealing with identity theft, and advising on credit health maintenance.
What to do about a GFS Incorporated entry on your credit report? If that listing is indeed not yours, or is erroneous, it is absolutely crucial that you take immediate steps to repair the situation. In doing so, you may indeed find GFS Incorporated off your report and restore life to your financial health by investigating the entry and disputing it.
CreditSage is there to help you every step of the way, and we will do our utmost to ensure your credit report is accurate and current. Call us today to begin your credit repair journey.